4 Ways to Awaken Your Purpose

The Safety Mindset Newsletter

9 JULY 2024

Issue #3: 4 Ways to Awaken Your Purpose

Read Time: 5 minutes

One of the most common things I hear from safety colleagues is they want to make a big impact. That their job is more than a paycheck to them.

I’ve hired hundreds and chatted with thousands of talented safety professionals. A common thread? Figuring out what drives you is a game-changer.

So today, I’m going to share four ways to awaken your purpose.

Even if you think you already know it, you may have missed some of these important ideas.

What Most Safety Professionals Get Stuck On

Before we dive in, it’s important to note some common experiences safety colleagues have shared:

  • Safety is not respected and acknowledged (lacks stature).
  • Flawed assumptions about the safety profession exist (simplistic models of causality, safety, and approaches to people at work without understanding how complex humans are).
  • Measuring impact internally (for ourselves) and externally (to others) is difficult.

These experiences are normal. I’ve experienced every single one of them at the beginning of my career. But I’ve learned a lot since then, and I’d like to help you think differently about them.

Here’s how to do it (I call them the 4 A’s):

#1: Awaken Your Inspiration

You need to figure out what lights you up. This is a moment for introspection.

What is your personal purpose? What fulfills you? What do you want to do? And why?

Knowing yourself is a key element of figuring this out. And before you think I’ve lost my systems-thinking superpower, don’t worry, there’s different ways to approach it.

Perhaps you already know who you are. You’ve already done the work.

Or maybe you think you need to be a certain type of person to be successful in your career. Remember, these are questions to yourself.

You get to reflect.

It doesn’t matter what other people think.

Ask yourself some questions:

  • Personality: Do you really know yourself (I wrote about this on LinkedIn recently)?
  • Values: What do you love and why is it important to you?
  • Skills: Are you continuing to learn and does that give you energy?
  • Experiences: What have you done and what do you still want to do, in your life?

I’d encourage you to really dig deep.

#2 Adventure Down Different Paths

Adventuring is fun, right? Well, this is the fun part.

Imagine you’re going for a hike. And you reach a fork in the trail. Turn left? Turn right? Continue straight ahead?

Chart out three different paths for yourself. Now, this is going to be tricky. You’re going to need to calm your self-doubt and dream big.

Don’t know where to start? Try these questions:

  • What are three different directions you could take, and what excites you about each one?
  • What are the potential challenges and rewards of each path you’ve charted for yourself?
  • Which path aligns most with your core values and long-term goals?
  • How does each path contribute to your personal and professional growth?
  • What would success look like for you on each of these paths?

So, which path will you choose to explore first on your adventure?

#3 Aspire to The New

Dreaming is fun. But beware. Sometimes, they aren’t quite as dreamy as you’d hope them to be.

Now, it’s time to bring clarity to the different options. You’re probably feeling some uncertainty.

How do you know if you’re making the right decision?

Jeff Bezos talks about two basic kinds of decisions you can make:

  • One-Way Door Decisions: the decision is almost impossible to reverse, and there’s no going back.
  • Two-Way Door Decisions: the decision that’s easy to reverse.

So as you walk through the different options, remember that not all decisions are equal. When you understand this concept, gaining momentum and keeping going is easier.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help make those decisions:

  • How can you calm your self-doubt to make a confident decision about which direction to pursue?
  • What resources or support systems do you need to explore these different paths effectively?
  • How can you experiment with each path on a small scale before making a larger commitment?
  • Who can you talk to, and what research can you do to gain more insight into each path?

So, are you ready to walk through the door and embrace what’s next?

#4 Activate an Action Plan

It’s time to get down to business. Turn your intentions into reality.

Make an action plan with short, medium, and long-term goals. I’m a big believer in goal setting, although I will encourage you not to overfocus on goals too much. Live a little, too.

Use these questions to guide yourself through the process:

  • What are the short, medium, and long-term goals that light you up and fit your career vision?
  • What specific steps can you take this week, this month, and this year to start turning those goals into reality?
  • How can you set these goals while keeping some room for spontaneity and unexpected opportunities?
  • What tools, resources, or people can you lean on to help bring your action plan to life and keep you motivated?

Remember, this is all about your purpose. No one else.

As time passes, you should make space to reflect on these actions. Ask yourself:

  • What positive changes or progress have you noticed since implementing your action plan?
  • Are you hitting the milestones and goals you’ve set for yourself? If not, what’s getting in the way?
  • How do you feel about your career journey now compared to when you started? More fulfilled? More energized?
  • What feedback have you received from mentors, colleagues, or friends about your growth and achievements?

Ready to make things happen? Your goals are within reach.

In Conclusion

So, there you have it. The 4 A’s to awaken your purpose: Awaken Your Inspiration, Adventure Down Different Paths, Aspire to The New, and Activate an Action Plan.

Each step is designed to help you uncover what truly drives you, explore new possibilities, make informed decisions, and take actionable steps toward your goals.

Awaken Your Inspiration by reflecting deeply on what lights you up. Knowing your personal purpose, values, and passions is the foundation of a fulfilling career.

Adventure Down Different Paths by exploring various directions you can take. This not only helps you dream big but also allows you to envision multiple exciting futures.

Aspire to The New by understanding the nature of your decisions. Recognize which choices are reversible and which are not, helping you move forward with clarity and confidence.

Activate an Action Plan by setting short, medium, and long-term goals. Turning your intentions into reality requires a solid plan and the flexibility to adapt along the way.

By following these steps, you’ll gain a clearer sense of purpose and feel more empowered and motivated in your career journey. Remember, this process is about you. Your dreams, your goals, your growth.

P.S. When you’re ready to dive deeper into designing a brilliant future, let me know. I’m going out of Stealth Mode soon (sshh … July 21st) and will be opening a waitlist to join me in a special cohort to guide you in gaining insight and clarity on your future career path. More to come soon!

See you next week.

I encourage you to find the courage to be bitched about.

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