Break Free: The Power of Bold Moves

The Safety Mindset Newsletter


3 September 2024 | READ ONLINE

Hey Reader,

Ever felt like you’re stuck in a loop where every day feels like a carbon copy of the last? You’re doing everything right, ticking all the boxes, but something’s missing. You’re keeping the wheels turning, but are you driving forward?

If that resonates, it’s time to consider something radical – a bold move that breaks you out of that cycle and propels you into new territory.

Let me tell you – those moments when you feel like you’re on autopilot are the perfect opportunity to make a bold move. But not just any move – the kind that shakes the ground beneath you and forces you to level up.

That’s what being a breakout leader is all about.

Why Bold Moves Matter More Than Ever

You know the feeling of getting too comfortable, right? It’s like wearing that old, reliable safety harness – it’s done the job before, so why change it?

But here’s the thing: comfort is a slow killer. It dulls your edge and blurs your vision. If you’re too comfortable, you’re not challenging yourself.

If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re not growing.

Making bold moves is about stepping out of that comfort zone. It’s about making decisions that others shy away from, not because they’re reckless, but because they’re necessary. Bold moves aren’t just about risk – they’re about transformation. They redefine what’s possible for you, your team, and your entire organization.

Take Action:

  1. Audit Your Comfort Zone: This week, reflect on areas where you’ve become too comfortable. Where are you coasting? Identify at least one area where you can push yourself beyond what’s easy and familiar.
  2. Create a Bold Move Plan: Think of a project, a process, or even a conversation you’ve been avoiding. Outline the steps you need to take to tackle it head-on. Break it down into manageable tasks and set a timeline. Remember, the key is not just to think big but to act decisively.

How to Spot Your Bold Move

Identifying a bold move doesn’t require a grand epiphany. It’s about recognizing those small moments when you feel that familiar tug of hesitation. Maybe it’s presenting a new initiative that challenges the status quo (here’s a recent LinkedIn post I wrote about it) or stepping up to take on a project no one wants. Whatever it is, it’s a move that makes your heart race faster and your mind question if you’re ready. That’s the sweet spot.

Here’s a little secret: the bold move you need to make is often the one you’ve been putting off. The one that feels like a leap into the unknown. The one that might not come with immediate rewards but promises long-term impact. Trust that feeling.

Take Action:

  1. Identify Your Bold Move: Think about the challenges you’ve been avoiding or the ideas you’ve shelved because they felt too risky. Write them down. Then, choose one that aligns with your values and goals. This will be your bold move for the next month.
  2. Seek Feedback Early: Get some outside perspectives once you’ve identified your bold move. Share your plan with a trusted colleague or mentor and ask for their thoughts. They might see opportunities or pitfalls you haven’t considered.

What Happens When You Make That Move?

Here’s the truth: not every bold move will pay off immediately, and that’s okay. But every single one will teach you something invaluable. You’ll gain insights, resilience, and a deeper understanding of your capabilities. And even when you stumble, you’ll be further ahead than if you’d stayed put.

When you start making bold moves, something incredible happens – you become a breakout leader. You stop waiting for opportunities and start creating them. Your team notices, your leaders notice, and most importantly, you notice. You begin to see possibilities where others see obstacles. And that’s when real change happens.

Take Action:

  1. Document Your Learnings: Keep a journal or digital log of your bold moves. Write down what you learned from each one – successes and failures. Over time, you’ll see patterns in your leadership style and decision-making process. This reflection can become a powerful tool for growth.
  2. Share Your Bold Moves: Whether in a team meeting, a LinkedIn post, or a casual conversation with a peer, don’t be afraid to share the bold moves you’re making. It not only reinforces your commitment but also inspires others to take action. I’ve seen firsthand how sharing stories can galvanize a team into taking collective bold steps. Check out my recent post on storytelling in leadership to see how powerful this can be.

The Bold Move in Action

Let’s illustrate this with a real-world example. I led a product and program team focused on building technology a few years ago. This bold move took me away from my safety executive career and into unfamiliar territory. It wasn’t an easy transition, and there were plenty of moments of doubt. But that move didn’t just expand my skill set.

It redefined my career trajectory and opened doors I hadn’t known existed.

Think about the last time you made a bold move. How did it change you? How did it impact your team? What did you learn? Now, imagine making those moves consistently. That’s how you become the person others aspire to be.

So, what’s your bold move this week?

Identify it. Embrace it. And remember, life isn’t just about protecting what is – it’s about pushing boundaries to create what could be.

Final Thoughts

Bold moves aren’t about throwing caution to the wind. They’re about calculated risks that lead to meaningful growth. We talk a lot about risk management, but when it comes to our careers, we must manage the risk of staying stagnant. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from becoming the person you’re meant to be.

This week, I challenge you to not just think about your bold move but to act on it. Take that leap. The future of your career – and possibly your entire organization – depends on it.

See you next week,


P.S. Have a bold move you’re thinking of? Hit reply and share it with me. I’d love to hear what’s on your mind and how I can support you in making it happen.

Megan Tranter

Whenever you’re ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Safety is Second Nature: My flagship 10-week mastermind to elevate your career and maximize your impact. Achieving your career goals is going to require more than just technical skills. You must master influencing people, driving change, strategic planning, and engaging with leadership. Our program helps you do just that. Join the waitlist here.
  2. Design Your Brilliant Future: Imagine waking up every morning pumped for the day ahead because you’re doing what you love. Designed for safety professionals, by safety professionals. You’ll create a clear path to find what truly matters to you and chart the next steps to your brilliant career. Join here.
  3. 1:1 Coaching: Skyrocket your goals with personalized coaching. You choose when and for how long. I’ll share everything I’ve learned about progressing a career in Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management, how to make an impact, and how to add value. The same strategies helped me rise from an entry-level safety job to top roles in multiple Fortune 25 companies.
  4. Consulting + Speaking: Book me for a keynote, workshop, or to facilitate a discussion at your company meeting. I offer strategic consulting for companies wanting to increase their impact and drive real change from someone who has done it before.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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