Endings and New Beginnings

The Safety Mindset Newsletter



Hi Reader,

It’s been a week full of reflection, gratitude, and a little bit of awe. I just turned 52, and while part of me wonders how time flies so quickly, another part feels like I’m standing on the edge of something completely new.

Birthdays have a way of stirring up these thoughts, don’t they?

Over the years, I’ve learned that age is less about the numbers and more about the stories we carry. This past year was a big one for me – a dance between endings and new beginnings. I learned that creation and letting go aren’t opposites: they’re two sides of the same coin, constantly in motion. It’s the space between that breathes life into everything I do, and I’ve become comfortable with the idea that some things need to end to make room for what’s next.

This year, I started sharing more frequently on LinkedIn. While it’s easy to wonder whether my voice was needed among the sea of others, the answer was simple for me: I felt called to create a positive place where I could encourage and motivate others, share insights, and be the person in their corner when they needed it.

If you’d like to explore some of my most popular posts, here are a few that resonated the most:

Another part of my journey has been focusing on growth and experimenting – aiming to get just 1% better every day. I’ve been applying this mindset to the videos I’m posting on LinkedIn, embracing the process of learning as I go.

If you’d like to check them out, here are a few that I’m incredibly proud of:

I’ve realized that meaningful creation doesn’t happen through force or overanalysis. Instead, it comes when we let go, trust the process, and open ourselves to whatever comes next.

Reflecting on my year spinning around this beautiful earth, I think about the projects, the dreams, and the people I’ve had to let go of. And as hard as it is to say goodbye, I know that I make space for new opportunities and connections in releasing these things. So, if you’re reading this and you’re holding onto something you know you need to release, take it from me – it’s a gift to let go.

As I move into this next year, I hope to continue creating from a place of openness and trust. I’ve learned that when we stop trying to control the outcomes, we leave room for the unexpected – and often, the unexpected is where the magic happens.

So here’s to another year of embracing both creation and endings. And if you’re ready to let go of what no longer serves you, know you’re not alone on this journey. Let’s face these changes together with gratitude and curiosity for what lies ahead.

Until next time, keep challenging what you think you know and embrace the possibilities waiting to unfold.

If this resonates with you, I want you to take that bold step toward your own reinvention. Maybe that means rethinking your career, or perhaps it’s about leading in a way that aligns with your deeper purpose.

Here are some ways I can help you get there:

🔹 1:1 Coaching: If you’re ready for real transformation, my coaching program is here to help you break through your limitations and create a career you’re genuinely proud of. Schedule a discovery call.

🔹 Design Your Brilliant Future: This program is for the bold ones ready to define and chase their vision. It’s not just about career planning but about reshaping your professional trajectory with purpose and intention. Join here.

🔹 Invite Me to Speak: Looking for an engaging speaker for your workplace or event? I’d love to share insights on purpose-driven leadership and creating meaningful change. Get in touch here.

With gratitude,


Megan Tranter

Whenever you’re ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Safety is Second Nature: My flagship 10-week mastermind to elevate your career and maximize your impact. Achieving your career goals is going to require more than just technical skills. You must master influencing people, driving change, strategic planning, and engaging with leadership. Our program helps you do just that. Join the waitlist here.
  2. Design Your Brilliant Future: Imagine waking up every morning pumped for the day ahead because you’re doing what you love. Designed for safety professionals, by safety professionals. You’ll create a clear path to find what truly matters to you and chart the next steps to your brilliant career. Join here.
  3. 1:1 Coaching: Skyrocket your goals with personalized coaching. You choose when and for how long. I’ll share everything I’ve learned about progressing a career in Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management, how to make an impact, and how to add value. The same strategies helped me rise from an entry-level safety job to top roles in multiple Fortune 25 companies.
  4. Consulting + Speaking: Book me for a keynote, workshop, or to facilitate a discussion at your company meeting. I offer strategic consulting for companies wanting to increase their impact and drive real change from someone who has done it before.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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I encourage you to find the courage to be bitched about.

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